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33 Main St
Tulsa, OK 74145

3 Beds
2 Bath
1,100 ft2
5 ac

Auction Ends in

Current Bid: $60,000

6608 West Pinewood Drive
Pine Bluff, AR 71603

4 Beds
2 Bath
1,876 ft2
0.25 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $65,000

251 Bermuda Dr
Pearl, MS 38614

3 Beds
1.5 Bath
1,208 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $70,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $50,000

2204 E 9th St
Sedalia, MO 65301

3 Beds
1 Bath
1,416 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $70,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $75,000

112 Grant 831
Sheridan, AR 72150

3 Beds
2 Bath
1,512 ft2
1.05 ac

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $65,000

1001 Meadowood Dr
Ramseur, NC 27316

3 Beds
1.5 Bath
1,110 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $110,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $65,000

2652 Gina Dr
Pearl, MS 39208

3 Beds
1.5 Bath
1,195 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $85,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $100,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $60,000

412 W 9th St
Portageville, MO 63873

3 Beds
1.5 Bath
1,413 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $50,000

326 Branch St
Enfield, NC 37823

2 Beds
1 Bath
800 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $40,000

1416 Mitts Dr
Tupelo, MS 38801

3 Beds
2 Bath
1,888 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $80,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $35,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $95,000

210 East Ridge
Helena, AR 72342

2 Beds
2 Bath
2,356 ft2

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $45,000

Auction Ends in

Opening Bid: $20,000

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